DoCTa’s War2: Sup Airman, how are you today? AirmaN: I am great, How about you Doctor? DW2: I’m good, lets get to the subject on hand shall we? AirmaN: Ok, we shall DW2: How long… Read the full article
Old Interviews

DrunkeN_SmurF-: k –DrunkeN_SmurF-: Lets get this thing under way ^ArchMage^: damnit ^ArchMage^: i should ban :p –DrunkeN_SmurF-: So hmm How long you been playing this awsome game? ^ArchMage^: 4 yrs –DrunkeN_SmurF-: where at? –DrunkeN_SmurF-: besides… Read the full article
DreamerMike: ok ready? {ban}`Gangsta: yeah DreamerMike: thx for doing this btw {ban}`Gangsta: np DreamerMike: i always start with this: how long u been playing war2? and where did u start (bnet/zone/kali)? {ban}`Gangsta: i been playing… Read the full article
DreamerRay: How old are u? {ban}’Nikotyne: 19 DreamerRay: How long have u been playing wc? {ban}’Nikotyne: On bnet, 2 years. Little comp stomping before that DreamerRay: cool DreamerRay: What is ur favriote map DreamerRay: and… Read the full article
DreamerRay: What was the first clan you joined? {ban}Shock~Wave: {HOLY} DreamerRay: Would you consided that to be a newbie clan today? {ban}Shock~Wave: yes DreamerRay: What maps do you like the most and why? {ban}Shock~Wave: I… Read the full article
DreamerMike: sup exy-g ~BH~Extacy: sup mike :-) DreamerMike: ready? ~BH~Extacy: ya DreamerMike: how long u been playing? ~BH~Extacy: oh jeeze, probably about 2 years ~BH~Extacy: too long DreamerMike: did u start on or another… Read the full article
DreamerMike: k ~BH~Nova: sup DreamerMike: thx for doing this btw DreamerMike: u rdy? ~BH~Nova: yeah fire away DreamerMike: ok first things first, explain the fued between you and my clan in general, and you and… Read the full article
–DrunkeN_smurF-: !kick -DrunkeN_smurF- –DrunkeN_smurF-: ahh BoRn2RiDe: lol –DrunkeN_smurF-: heh –DrunkeN_smurF-: k –DrunkeN_smurF-: man –DrunkeN_smurF-: so you got a lot to say? BoRn2RiDe: as much as u need to know BoRn2RiDe: ;D –DrunkeN_smurF-: heh –DrunkeN_smurF-: k… Read the full article
DrunkeN_SmurF-: k -DrunkeN_SmurF-: How long you been playing wc2? BTK~Champion: About a year and a half, minus 3 months for playing diablo2…wut a waste of money -DrunkeN_SmurF-: you dont like d2? BTK~Champion: na there no… Read the full article
DrunkeN_SmurF-: how long have you been playing wc2? (DI)Azteca: Jesus, its been a long time (DI)Azteca: I first played in Fall 1996 (DI)Azteca: I play for several months (DI)Azteca: then take several months off -DrunkeN_SmurF-:… Read the full article
DreamerJosh Lets start this ray… DreamerJosh First question this comes common to you right? DreamerJosh Are You Gay? DreamerRay I was for a week DreamerRay lol DreamerRay J/k DreamerJosh lol DreamerJosh ok j/k DreamerRay NO… Read the full article
DrunkeN_SmurF-: How long you been playing wc2? DS~Anomaly: since 95 -DrunkeN_SmurF-: thats all online or just single player for a while? DS~Anomaly: but mostly just first player scenarios in 95 DS~Anomaly: started online in 97… Read the full article
DreamerMike: sup jon Kdogg~: sup DreamerMike: ty for doing this btw Kdogg~: no problem DreamerMike: first question DreamerMike: how long u been playing? Kdogg~: hmm 4 years DreamerMike: started where? kali? Kdogg~: yeah DreamerMike: what’s… Read the full article
Nail (Fake Nail)
This interview was done for me by my good friend Crack. Nail is being interviewed, I don’t know what to think of this interview, please give your opinion on the message boards. Here it is…. Read the full article
DreamerRay: What is the Top problem on Bnet today? ~PoiSoN_SwOrD!~: gotta b hackers, dont u agree? ~PoiSoN_SwOrD!~: they fucking ruin the game DreamerRay: yes ~PoiSoN_SwOrD!~: if i play a known hacker, i gotta change my… Read the full article
DrunkeN_SmurF-: How long you been playing wc2? ShotGun: anyhow ShotGun: how do we do this whole interview thingy ShotGun: i started season 3 –DrunkeN_SmurF-: you only played on bnet? ShotGun: so like 2 and abit… Read the full article
DrunkeN_SmurF-: How long you been playing wc2? SoCxWarChief: Since Warcraft1, which is what go me started into all the other versions because I followed the story line. SoCxWarChief: That and I am into mid-evil, War,… Read the full article
DreamerMike: first, how old are you and when did you start playing war2? Stallion-: I am 31 yrs old and I started playing when I was 27 DreamerMike: so you didn’t start on bnet then?… Read the full article
DreamerRay: When did you start playing wc? $u}3-ZeR(): i started playing sometime in 2000 i believe $u}3-ZeR(): dont really remember DreamerRay: How did you learn about wc? $u}3-ZeR(): i was sitttin in class passing out… Read the full article
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: lets get this started The_Colearino!: Ok The_Colearino!: man so many peeps whispering me The_Colearino!: =[ -DrunkeN_SmurF-: How long you been playing wc2? The_Colearino!: Ok The_Colearino!: 5 years , 4 offline about 1 online The_Colearino!:… Read the full article