DrunkeN_SmurF-: how long have you been playing wc2?
(DI)Azteca: Jesus, its been a long time
(DI)Azteca: I first played in Fall 1996
(DI)Azteca: I play for several months
(DI)Azteca: then take several months off
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: where all did you play?
(DI)Azteca: depending on my schooling and working conditions
(DI)Azteca: I began on DOS Kali, then Kali 95
(DI)Azteca: I played a bit on Zone
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: oh
(DI)Azteca: then battlenet
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: so you have been playing ever since this game came out
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: Did you just hear about it and wnated to check it out?
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: or some one told you about it?
(DI)Azteca: It came out sometime before I started playing
(DI)Azteca: I was a 40k Kali serial
(DI)Azteca: Well, a new store opened in my home town
(DI)Azteca: Kinda like a “Best Buy” called Incredible Universe
(DI)Azteca: They were demoing the game
(DI)Azteca: people were playing on a lan
(DI)Azteca: I jumped in and just thought the best way to win a game was to make as much stuff as possible and send it all as fast as I could
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: oh
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: haha
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: basically
(DI)Azteca: so I trampled this dude
(DI)Azteca: who was playing with the help of the clerk who was there
(DI)Azteca: I loved the game and begged my mom to buy it
(DI)Azteca: I was like 16 hehe
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: haha
(DI)Azteca: So I got it and told one of my friends, he was a comp nerd
(DI)Azteca: We played together on the basketball team
(DI)Azteca: he had played war1
(DI)Azteca: we I brought it over and we set it up on his 2 man lan
(DI)Azteca: I just kept doing the same stuff, but I loved humans
(DI)Azteca: I didnt understand the basics of bloodlust or anything, I just made tons of stuff
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: humans rox
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: when i played on mag, I didnt really understand bloodlust
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: but that was years ago
(DI)Azteca: Yea same here
(DI)Azteca: eventually I got kinda good
(DI)Azteca: So I brought over my computer
(DI)Azteca: and we got a 3 man lan going with another guy
(DI)Azteca: We would stay up all night and do games where they were against me
(DI)Azteca: I would set up in the other room
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: sounds like fun
(DI)Azteca: It was bad man, we were all jocks
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: I’ve never played anyone like that
(DI)Azteca: our friends would come over and laught at us
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: allways over the net
(DI)Azteca: yea
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: jock nerds
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: !
(DI)Azteca: we would just sit there and fuck around drinking milkshakes and shit
(DI)Azteca: We were only 16… how pathetic haha
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: yah
(DI)Azteca: Eventually
(DI)Azteca: a patch came out
(DI)Azteca: And it had Kali included
(DI)Azteca: I had only a 486sx so I had to go on Dos kali
(DI)Azteca: My computer couldnt handle kali 95 and war2 at the same time
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: So how did the clan Divine Intervention come about?
(DI)Azteca: my friend, kali nick Ace and I played religously
(DI)Azteca: In late 1996 the NWL collapsed
(DI)Azteca: There were three leagues for some time
(DI)Azteca: IWL, NWL, and Case Ladder
(DI)Azteca: People kinda played in thier leagues on different kali servers
(DI)Azteca: No one really bothered anyonoe else
(DI)Azteca: Eventually the IWL collapsed
(DI)Azteca: and its players split amongst the two leagues
(DI)Azteca: Cases was automated
(DI)Azteca: NWL was not
(DI)Azteca: the added players forced the NWL to be updated a lot more
(DI)Azteca: and it took a lot more time
(DI)Azteca: eventually the NWL collapsed
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: i checked it once
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: nothing big to me
(DI)Azteca: It was fun
(DI)Azteca: When I came to it
(DI)Azteca: It was mostly pos low
(DI)Azteca: But I had played high resources with my friends so I somewhat forced everyone to play gow high
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: it was all low
(DI)Azteca: Yea
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: in the beginning of wc2
(DI)Azteca: Yes it was
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: on mag it was pure low
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: no one liked high
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: thought it involved less skill
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: and so what
(DI)Azteca: Exactly
(DI)Azteca: Yea, I hated low
(DI)Azteca: Mostly because I had played high so much
(DI)Azteca: I was already dominant from playing with my friends 2on1
(DI)Azteca: I kinda goaded everyone to play it
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: anyhow you didnt answer my question
(DI)Azteca: Well, oh ya
(DI)Azteca: hehe
(DI)Azteca: The NWL collapsed
(DI)Azteca: and my teammate at the time
(DI)Azteca: Metal…. told me about Case’s ladder
(DI)Azteca: he had already tried to play on it with No Fear
(DI)Azteca: under the team name New Realm of Darkness
(DI)Azteca: they blew :D
(DI)Azteca: So I snagged up some more players
(DI)Azteca: and we jumped over under the team name Divine Intervention
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: how did that name come up?
(DI)Azteca: It was Myself, Metal, Tarquinn, Ywfn, No_Fear, Freaker, OGWC, and Trojan
(DI)Azteca: I dunno
(DI)Azteca: I always said “I was God”
(DI)Azteca: etc
(DI)Azteca: So I just figured Divine Intervention was a good start
(DI)Azteca: Those were the best times
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: yah
(DI)Azteca: like 300 teams
(DI)Azteca: so many games all the time
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: damn
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: didnt know it was that big
(DI)Azteca: Eventually we climbed up
(DI)Azteca: at that time there was Agent and Tiller’s team
(DI)Azteca: AD, and Grunt Rushing Freaks
(DI)Azteca: I think INclan was starting to get involved
(DI)Azteca: but they were mostly a singles team
(DI)Azteca: DT was there too
(DI)Azteca: but they were bad
(DI)Azteca: Another team that was good was Azian Killaz or something
(DI)Azteca: Soon the rep on us was out though
(DI)Azteca: that we were “one resource” wonders and what not
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: what rank where you guys than?
(DI)Azteca: They forced us of high and off of land
(DI)Azteca: This was when we got to about 4 or 5
(DI)Azteca: We were threatening hard
(DI)Azteca: we had a 85%+ win percentage
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: ha
(DI)Azteca: very cocky
(DI)Azteca: we hovered behind them for a bit
(DI)Azteca: until I was able to figure out what they were doing on diff maps
(DI)Azteca: and deisgn some counters and what not
(DI)Azteca: eventually we climbed
(DI)Azteca: Agent and Tiller became dormant right when we got to #3 I think
(DI)Azteca: So it set up a show down between us
(DI)Azteca: and Grunt Rushing Freaks: Warangel and Creed
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: its like a story
(DI)Azteca: They pretty much said the only way they would play
(DI)Azteca: is if it was Spiral Low
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: i never knew it was like that back than
(DI)Azteca: and we hosted
(DI)Azteca: back on old war2
(DI)Azteca: if you host on spiral low
(DI)Azteca: you get bottom left like 80% of the time
(DI)Azteca: bottom left fucking blows
(DI)Azteca: you have to build your hall all gay
(DI)Azteca: you can’t mine your expansion
(DI)Azteca: the wood blows
(DI)Azteca: its a death wish
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: haha
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: didnt know that
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: what are you basing that 80% on?
(DI)Azteca: They way we got around it was I had Metal rush and expand before the disadvantages of the spot fucked him over
(DI)Azteca: Well, people tested it
(DI)Azteca: it was on websites and such
(DI)Azteca: common knowledge
(DI)Azteca: He jumped over
(DI)Azteca: caught Warangel jugging
(DI)Azteca: rushed him
(DI)Azteca: and towered him
(DI)Azteca: he had ships though
(DI)Azteca: I had two halled
(DI)Azteca: Metal got some jugs and fought warangel off
(DI)Azteca: but Creed sub rushed
(DI)Azteca: and powered
(DI)Azteca: he was almost fort
(DI)Azteca: when I had my trannies finally
(DI)Azteca: Warangel had moved and was rebuilding
(DI)Azteca: he was hold or so
(DI)Azteca: and creeds subs were raping Metal’s jugs
(DI)Azteca: I told Metal to just take all his subs
(DI)Azteca: and attack ground near Creed’s landing area ( where I was gonna land)
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: yah
(DI)Azteca: because creed was protecting the area where I could land on creed or warangel
(DI)Azteca: so he suicided his subs
(DI)Azteca: errr
(DI)Azteca: his jugs
(DI)Azteca: and cleared the area
(DI)Azteca: I landed two trans
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: what was on those trans?
(DI)Azteca: destroyed Creeds main
(DI)Azteca: my usual formation
(DI)Azteca: 5 ogres and a Dk on each
(DI)Azteca: we eventually overpowered Warangel
(DI)Azteca: They were pissed
(DI)Azteca: They retired immeadiately after the game
(DI)Azteca: withdrew thier team
(DI)Azteca: didnt report
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: hahaha
(DI)Azteca: so we got #1 anyway
(DI)Azteca: but that was it for them
(DI)Azteca: they retreated to one of those private servers
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: they got shown up by some new team
(DI)Azteca: were basically some old men go when they die
(DI)Azteca: yea
(DI)Azteca: Well, we were dicks too
(DI)Azteca: 16 year old assholes talking shit
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: talked trash?
(DI)Azteca: I dont blame them
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: its fun to talk trash
(DI)Azteca: I remember INcinerate being in chat when it all happened
(DI)Azteca: He then got his teammates together and tried to challenge us
(DI)Azteca: they climbed etc
(DI)Azteca: we held off for 3 months at #1
(DI)Azteca: with 85%
(DI)Azteca: it was the longest any team was able to hold #1
(DI)Azteca: and the highest win percetnage
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: nice
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: than what happened?
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: jsut fell apart?
(DI)Azteca: We withdrew because “there was no challenge”
(DI)Azteca: Automated NWL had come back
(DI)Azteca: so we left
(DI)Azteca: When NWL had crashed again
(DI)Azteca: DT had gotten good
(DI)Azteca: They had learned from all the beatdowns we gave them on water
(DI)Azteca: I remember I joined thier team for awhile
(DI)Azteca: WHen Metal when on vacation
(DI)Azteca: I allied Patton for like 100 games
(DI)Azteca: we just got on and played 10 games a day
(DI)Azteca: all just rampages
(DI)Azteca: That guy was good
(DI)Azteca: very unoriginal though
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: wondering whatever happend to him
(DI)Azteca: Someone said he crashed his car
(DI)Azteca: had to sell his computer
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: oh that sucks
(DI)Azteca: Yea
(DI)Azteca: So DT was good
(DI)Azteca: Azians were good
(DI)Azteca: INclan was there
(DI)Azteca: that was when it was the toughest
(DI)Azteca: we climbed again and got #1
(DI)Azteca: but it was always being traded off
(DI)Azteca: DT would hold it for a day
(DI)Azteca: INclan would get it
(DI)Azteca: we would get it for a wekk
(DI)Azteca: just crazy
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: fun i bet though
(DI)Azteca: Yea
(DI)Azteca: always tough games
(DI)Azteca: always shit talking
(DI)Azteca: no team was dominant at this time
(DI)Azteca: I thought we had the edge on each team by a couple games sections
(DI)Azteca: but everyone disagrees and has thier own opinions
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: yah
(DI)Azteca: Eventually INcinerate’s allies retired from teams
(DI)Azteca: so they became inactive
(DI)Azteca: it was and DT for a long time
(DI)Azteca: It was US and DT for a long time
(DI)Azteca: errr
(DI)Azteca: hehehe clan, aka 24-7 was there
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: so what happened when bnet came out. Everyone left and went there?
(DI)Azteca: but up until battle.net they never were above 50%
(DI)Azteca: Well, SC came out first
(DI)Azteca: INclan was gone
(DI)Azteca: But there was still a lot of competition
(DI)Azteca: Aias, kith, and Axo had a team
(DI)Azteca: they were good
(DI)Azteca: hehehe clan was getting better
(DI)Azteca: Stalin had a squad
(DI)Azteca: We left, played SC for a bit and came back
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: So what is the whole deal with 24-7 and Di
(DI)Azteca: a lot of changes happened
(DI)Azteca: Metal left
(DI)Azteca: Ash came
(DI)Azteca: etc
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: a lot of shit there
(DI)Azteca: Yea
(DI)Azteca: well, after bnet came out
(DI)Azteca: I was inactive
(DI)Azteca: DI was basically one man, Skyangel
(DI)Azteca: 24-7 and INclan were battling
(DI)Azteca: Inclan was rusty, they had been gone for 1.5 years I think
(DI)Azteca: Playing SC
(DI)Azteca: 24-7 was able to beat them
(DI)Azteca: Thats when they got cocky
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: valk, guan, stal and pim?
(DI)Azteca: and that time
(DI)Azteca: Just Pimster and Stalin basically
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: oh
(DI)Azteca: Guan Yu was good but not strong
(DI)Azteca: Watje was the same way
(DI)Azteca: I came back
(DI)Azteca: But I was only able to play a few games a day… I was at the UW and just joined a fraternity
(DI)Azteca: Skyangel and I played them
(DI)Azteca: We won a few to get to #2
(DI)Azteca: but we lost to them for #1
(DI)Azteca: They never forget that
(DI)Azteca: I always hear about it
(DI)Azteca: hehe
(DI)Azteca: The one time in 5 years they were able to beat us
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: hehe
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: ha
(DI)Azteca: After that Skyangel and I had a falling out
(DI)Azteca: I didnt think he could cut it
(DI)Azteca: I released him from DI and picked up KHB
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: where was khb from?
(DI)Azteca: he was from Kali
(DI)Azteca: Before bnet
(DI)Azteca: he and Nex were trying out for DI a lot
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: o
(DI)Azteca: The way I recruit is I keep tabs on who is doing well within the community
(DI)Azteca: and then when someone gets “good enough” I teach them the rest basically
(DI)Azteca: then after that, they go on thier own way as far as style is concerned
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: thats cool
(DI)Azteca: KHB was bad man
(DI)Azteca: Nex just ran him over
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: ha
(DI)Azteca: everytime
(DI)Azteca: except when they were in neighbor wars
(DI)Azteca: KHB dominated there
(DI)Azteca: I like that
(DI)Azteca: I think neighbor wars show a lot about a player
(DI)Azteca: about his inteligence and ability to adapt
(DI)Azteca: That was the reason I wanted to ally KHB
(DI)Azteca: So we teamed a lot
(DI)Azteca: we blew at first
(DI)Azteca: KHB could not hold his own against even dethwave at that time
(DI)Azteca: but eventually he picked it up
(DI)Azteca: and the rest speaks for itself
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: What was the whole deal with you and valk
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: i interviewed him
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: i dont know if you read it or not
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: but he seems to dislike you for some reason
(DI)Azteca: Let me read it over, is it on your site?
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: yes
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: its like 3/4 of the way in the interview
(DI)Azteca: Yea, I actually have read that interview before.
(DI)Azteca: Theres several things that have happened between Valk and I
(DI)Azteca: Hes a good kid though
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: care to explain?
(DI)Azteca: Well, my first interaction with him was when KHB asked me to let Buzzbomb on DI
(DI)Azteca: I was opposed to this, but KHB really liked him
(DI)Azteca: so we kinda “half ass” let him on
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: what was wrong with him?
(DI)Azteca: Buzzbombs a good kid too
(DI)Azteca: Buzzbomb is uncreative
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: skill level?
(DI)Azteca: hes not very good
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: o
(DI)Azteca: When I say “very good”
(DI)Azteca: I mean what I consider to be something more than what a lot of people see
(DI)Azteca: Theres a natural intuition that takes place in this game
(DI)Azteca: very few people have it, I think…
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: oh
(DI)Azteca: The rest get by over stressing build orders
(DI)Azteca: and memorized situations
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: build orders mainly
(DI)Azteca: These people can compete
(DI)Azteca: but after a while I can sense that they lack something
(DI)Azteca: Buzzbomb was like that
(DI)Azteca: Buzzbomb had asked me if Valkrie could join DI
(DI)Azteca: I didnt even know who Valkrie was
(DI)Azteca: But I conceeded to keep an eye on the kid
(DI)Azteca: I watched some games
(DI)Azteca: I didnt really find him impressive at all
(DI)Azteca: and declined to offer him a position
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: ha
(DI)Azteca: after that I became dormant for awhile
(DI)Azteca: and read on 24-7’s site that Valkrie had joined.
(DI)Azteca: I was like “hah, thats that kid I looked at like a month ago!”
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: heh
(DI)Azteca: I came back
(DI)Azteca: allied ash some
(DI)Azteca: we played valkrie and he did something that we both thought was really strange
(DI)Azteca: we asked for a screenshot and he declined
(DI)Azteca: everyone had been saying he was a hacker
(DI)Azteca: so after that, it seemed like it was possible
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: yah
(DI)Azteca: But I don’t really want to write him off as a hacker
(DI)Azteca: Ive watched him play, he has some nice moves
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: why would he decline if he didnt hack
(DI)Azteca: hes a good player, and I don’t want to imply that about him, but thats how that went down.
(DI)Azteca: hehe
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: the huge valkrie hacking deal
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: ha
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: i remember going in 24-7 and hearing that go on
(DI)Azteca: yea
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: a lot of people still think he hacks
(DI)Azteca: Its possible
(DI)Azteca: But I don’t want to say one way or the other
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: Where have you been the last couple of months?
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: i just recently seen your name in 24-7
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: aftera long while of not being there
(DI)Azteca: Yea
(DI)Azteca: I work a lot
(DI)Azteca: and Im finishing up my second degree now
(DI)Azteca: I took this quarter off from work
(DI)Azteca: to focus on my final requirements
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: oh
(DI)Azteca: most times when I come back
(DI)Azteca: I don’t play seriously.
(DI)Azteca: Theres a fine line between playing seriously and playing recreationally
(DI)Azteca: most of the time ill just come back
(DI)Azteca: and play for fun, basically, not refining strats or changing my game play to adapt…
(DI)Azteca: just goofing around basically
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: i just play for fun now
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: going all saps or just footman
(DI)Azteca: Yea
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: or just taking every mine
(DI)Azteca: yea
(DI)Azteca: shit like that
(DI)Azteca: This time though
(DI)Azteca: I coming back to play hard
(DI)Azteca: KHB and Ash have gotten too much credit haha
(DI)Azteca: Recently I have been dominating
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: they dont play wc2 anymore really
(DI)Azteca: just mowing people down.
(DI)Azteca: Its fun
(DI)Azteca: Yea, khb came back last night
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: oh
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: have you tried wc3?
(DI)Azteca: No, my computer can’t support it
(DI)Azteca: I have to buy a new one soon anyway
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: oh
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: Did you try the ladder on bnet?
(DI)Azteca: the built in ladder to battle.net itself?
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: yah
(DI)Azteca: No, I don’t like fastest
(DI)Azteca: I can play it, but for long enough to get enough games to get a high rank hehe
(DI)Azteca: errr, not for long enough
(DI)Azteca: sorry
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: you mean faster?
(DI)Azteca: Yea
(DI)Azteca: Sorry
(DI)Azteca: I’m an idiot
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: if you say so
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: what is the future for the Azteca?
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: for wc2
(DI)Azteca: Im going to play a bit for now
(DI)Azteca: Dominate again
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: ha
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: we see
(DI)Azteca: War3 is coming soon
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: yah but i’m hearing bad reviews
(DI)Azteca: yea, so am I
(DI)Azteca: KHB, Ash and I have not decided on the future recruitments for out clan
(DI)Azteca: or how we are going to proceed
(DI)Azteca: so we need to shore these issues up
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: yup
(DI)Azteca: So, for the time being thats what we’ll be doing
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: not any dominate even faster clans around anymore
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: that i know of
(DI)Azteca: and beating around Nalzyman for the meantime
(DI)Azteca: yea
(DI)Azteca: When KHB and I ally its almost laughable how easy games are
(DI)Azteca: Im sure him and Ash rape just as easily
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: you’ll should try some fastest
(DI)Azteca: Yea, perhaps
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: its fun
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: there is unit control even though most ef players think it just throwing around ogres and knights
(DI)Azteca: Yes, I’m sure this is
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: I’m kind of out of questions
(DI)Azteca: hehe
(DI)Azteca: it happens
(DI)Azteca: nice job so far
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: never had such a long interview
(DI)Azteca: Anyway, I would like to thank you for the interview.
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: yah
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: thank you
(DI)Azteca: and give a shout out to those w2lc guys to come over and have some fun with us
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: ha
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: no one in 24-7 likes us
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: we are looked down on
(DI)Azteca: hehe
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: you’ll should come over and we will show you some real skill
(DI)Azteca: Well, we’re going to have to do something about that now aren’t we.
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: hehe
(DI)Azteca: Well, maybe we can do a little of both
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: yah maybe
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: thanks once again
(DI)Azteca: Also, one last thing
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: …
(DI)Azteca: a disclaimer about my version of facts in history
(DI)Azteca: When I was describing my memory of how things were years ago
(DI)Azteca: I do so to the best of my memory, some people have alternate opinions and versions
(DI)Azteca: in no way am I saying my way is the absolute most accurate
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: one thing i allways say at the end of my interviews
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: Any last comments?
-DrunkeN_SmurF-: or is that it?
(DI)Azteca: All the teams and clans I mentioned were great players
(DI)Azteca: Thats it… thanks and good luck
Back in the day I went by UFO, Kali # 28051 , castlenet server. Azteca brings back nightmares on POS. I used to team up with KHB against Creed and Mage. One would always rush while other went Fort. Our counter was all cats and other rushed, worked good for a few games lol. Anyways, cool interview. Good times. Oh have the years flown by.
Azteca lost to Pimster when Pim went all axers.