Sometimes for various reasons when you’re in a game you’ll be instructed to “watch”, which means you won’t be playing and should only spectate from that point forward. If you join a new game specifically… Read the full article
How to Watch a Multiplayer Game
How to Report Someone Refusing a Screenshot
If you suspect your opponent of hacking (cheating) in some way when playing on then you have a right to request a screenshot from them. All players must deliver screenshots on request, otherwise they… Read the full article
New Site is Here!
At long last, the new version of the website has arrived! I haven’t finished importing (or in some cases creating) 100% of the content (tutorials, player bios, some news entries, etc.) but this will continue to… Read the full article
How to Use the Warcraft II Gateway Editor
The Gateway Editor is a small app that allows you to add, remove, and modify the servers listed in the Gateways dropdown menu. If you’re using an original Warcraft II: Edition CD or a… Read the full article
How to View Warcraft II Replays
Coming soon!
How to Upload a Replay to YouTube
Coming soon!
How to Host a Warcraft II Match
After logging into the server, click on the blue “Create” button on the left side of the screen. Type a descriptive name into the “Game Name” field, then click on “Browse” to select your desired… Read the full article