This is a known glitch that happens every once in a while when playing (maybe once in a hundred or so games). There are several possible solutions: Solution #1: Click on the minimap. Some people… Read the full article
Frozen screen after unpausing a game
How to install the ddraw color fix (all Windows versions)
In Dec 2015 aqrit released a new version of ddraw.dll specifically for Warcraft II which fixes 100% of the common display glitches that tend to happen on Windows. The fix will eventually be included in future versions… Read the full article
List of Common Server Commands has most of the same commands as Here’s a list of the most common and useful server commands that anyone can use. /w [username] [message] – Send a private message to another user,… Read the full article
Overview of Commonly Played Maps
Classics Garden of War – A classic map that is the single most-played WC2 map ever. Old timers have played this map literally hundreds (and often thousands) of times, and are exhaustively familiar with every… Read the full article
Getting Started Guide
The “Getting Started” guide is designed to help you get connected to our Warcraft II server as quickly and easily as possible. It covers three main steps: Where to download your copy of Warcraft II… Read the full article
FAQ (old)
What is War2Combat? War2Combat is a program created by the team for users from all around the world to play on Warcraft II for free without a CD or a CD Key. To download… Read the full article
“A game by that name already exists!”
This happens when your account has had its gaming privileges revoked. In most cases this is a result of accounts & passwords being stolen from in 2015. In order to prevent abuse of accounts that… Read the full article