Join us this weekend as Skaven_WH hosts two tournaments: May 14th for the 1vs1 tournament, Saturday 2pm EST. May 15th for the 2vs2 tournament, Sunday 11am EST. The winner of the 1vs1 tournament will… Read the full article
Announcements for upcoming tournaments that are held on the server will be posted here. Our biggest tournaments, the Warcraft II Festivals, are held every year in July.
Want to host your own tourney? Follow this guide!

~Poscow Wins Anniversary Tourney
~Poscow defeated all comers in this weekend’s 15th Anniversary Bash tournament. He took down foonat in the finals and braviet in the semis after bouncing back from an Internet outage. Download braviet v. ~Poscow… Read the full article
WarCraft II: Fifteen Years Old
If you remember when War2 came out, you’re old. Say! Let’s have a big fun tournament to mark this historic time!
GOW 1vs1 Tournament Sept 26 2010
Tournament this Sunday at 4pm eastern time Map: Garden of War Classic Speed: Even Faster Prize: Master Tag Semi-finals and finals will take place in best of 3. To pre-register for the tournament visit this… Read the full article
GoW 2v2 Tourney Results & Upcoming NWTR Tourney
Thanks everyone who participated in the GOW 2vs2 random partners tournament and the fixed partners tournament. Over 150 people were logged on playing at once on Sunday and its all because of you loyal Warcraft… Read the full article
Tournament & Ladder News May 2010
GOW 2vs2 Random Partners tournament May 15th Pre-Register Top 1vs1 Ladder Rankings PaladiN[iS] tyrus Shotgun Jynx[iS] SoNiC[iS] TheHorrorStory [TD]Wargasm foonat FrOsTeD[iS] NeRzyMaN
Jan 16th 2010 Map Variety Tournament
To download the game and be part of this tournament visit and download a copy of War2Combat Edition. You can play on our online server without a CD or CD key. Tournament Director: ~Floyd Start… Read the full article
Jan 09 2010 Tourney Results
Finals of the 1/09/2010 Tournament saw [TD]Wargasm beat Braviet with a final score of 3-2 in their best of 5 series.