GOW 1vs1 Tournament on Saturday (today) – go to the tournament page to get pre-registered!
Announcements for upcoming tournaments that are held on the server will be posted here. Our biggest tournaments, the Warcraft II Festivals, are held every year in July.
Want to host your own tourney? Follow this guide!

Friends 2vs2 Tournament, 05/17/12
Friends 2vs2 Tournament When: May 17th at 6pm EST Speed: Even Faster Register here: http://turnier.bozeman.de/ Semi-Finals & Finals are Best of 3
Plains of Snow BNE 1vs1 Tournament
Thanks everyone who played in the Mini Chop 1vs1 tournament! It was a great success with Spieler defeating G3mini 2-0 in the finals. Now we head to Plains of Snow BNE 1vs1 Tournament at 5pm… Read the full article
Mini Chop 1vs1 Tournament, 05/08/12
Mini Chop farms[proper] 1vs1 Tournament When: May 8th at 3pm Eastern time Get pre-registered: http://turnier.bozeman.de/ Also check out videos from our Water Map tournament!
Water Maps Tournament, 05/04/12
1vs1 Water Maps Tournament coming up Friday, May 4th at 6pm Eastern time. If you would like to paricipate in this event then pre-register at: http://turnier.bozeman.de/ Round 1: The Spiral BNE / High Resource Round… Read the full article
GSEP Tournament
Gold Seperates East from West tournament this Thursday in 1vs1 format. To vote on what time it will be held visit the forums.
GOW 2vs2 Teams Tournament, 03/18/12
GOW 2vs2 Tournament today defined by teams, everyone needs to get signed up! I am hoping to see a lot of old faces for this big event!
January 2012 Tournaments
Be sure to check out the tournament page for upcoming events hosted by DeZero.