Check out the results of the 60 Man PBall Tourney hosted by xXxSmeagolxXx !
Announcements for upcoming tournaments that are held on the server will be posted here. Our biggest tournaments, the Warcraft II Festivals, are held every year in July.
Want to host your own tourney? Follow this guide!

Sept 26th Gow tournament results!
Check out the results for Tora’s cash prize tourney!
~Tora~’s Next Gow Tournament Saturday, September 26th 4 PM EST
Player ~Tora~ is hosting cash GOW tournaments on the last Saturday of every month for the rest of the year to help attract new players to the server and boost player engagement! Each tourney offers a $100 cash… Read the full article
~Tora~’s $50 Gow Tournament Complete: Results And Bracket
Read about the brackets and outcome of the first user-sponsored cash prize GoW tourney of the year, hosted by ~Tora~ and xXxSmeagolxXx! Winner received a $50 prize as well as the prestigious Master tag!
$100 60 Man PBall Tourney Oct 3rd 8 PM CDT
xXxSmeagolxXx is hosting another PBall tourney on the first Saturday of October, offering a user-sponsored $100 cash prize to the victor. Thanks are in order to QUICK{hR}. ~Tora~, Crash3r, and xXxSmeagolxXx himself for contributing to the… Read the full article
$50 Cash GoW Tourney Aug 29th 4 PM EST
~ToRa~ has announced he will be hosting a $50 cash tourney this coming Saturday, and on the last Saturday of every month thereafter until the end of 2015, with the hopes we can bring more… Read the full article
July 2015 Tournament of Champions Results
Check out the outcome of this competitive B05 high res tourney hosted by x)DW(x-BuRnT!
Warcraft 2 News 3/4/15
Upcoming Tournaments: Stir Crazy BNE and Taiga BNE mini 8 player tournaments will be taking place this weekend as qualifying rounds to get into the Tournament Of Champions at the Warcraft 2 Festival VII. Once… Read the full article