Hey guys as most of you already know we will be hosting a 4 week Tier 1 tournament. Start time for the tournament will begin at 03/09/2016 at 12am Eastern time. http://challonge.com/Tier1ro1 All matches will… Read the full article
Announcements for upcoming tournaments that are held on the server will be posted here. Our biggest tournaments, the Warcraft II Festivals, are held every year in July.
Want to host your own tourney? Follow this guide!

Tier 2 Tournament – Saturday, Sept 24th at 4:00pm Eastern Time
Hi guys, I will be hosting the first tier 2 tournament Saturday, Sept 24th at 4:00pm Eastern time. All players that wish to participate please report to the tournament channel no later than 4pm Eastern…. Read the full article
Two $100 PBall Tournaments October 8th and 15th both at 6 PM CDT
There will be a PBall tournament 2 Saturdays in row at the beginning of on October the 8th (60 Man) and 15th (PBall Balanced) both at 6 PM CDT. They are 60 Man and the… Read the full article
1v1 POS ^Adam^ Memorial Tourney Results
Congrats to braviet for winning the 1v1 POS ^AdaM^ Memorial Tournament! Thank you to everyone who participated. Click below for full results. http://war2.challonge.com/pos
1v1 Archers Tournament Result!
Congrats to IAmBadman for winning the 1v1 Archers Friends Tournament! Enjoy flaunting your custom archer icon! :) Results: http://war2.challonge.com/archers
Tournament Chop 2v2 Result!
We had a great turn out at the chop tournament today, congratulations to all players who participated! Champions: ChopStyx & Thumb$ You will receive the awards on shelves wait! Check the full results http://war2.challonge.com/w2_tournament_chop
Tournament Chop 2v2, Wednesday May 18th 6PM EDT (19:00 Brazilia time)
There will be a 2v2 Chop tournament this coming Wednesday, hosted by ~}Undead{~. To participate meet in the Tournament channel at 6PM EDT (19:00 Brazilia time) — all are welcome to participate! Map played will… Read the full article
1v1 Archers Tournament – Sunday May 22nd 3pm EDT
Spirit is hosting a 1v1 Archers Friends Tournament on Sunday May 22, 2016 at 3:00pm US EDT! The winner will be awarded the Archer icon: You can register in advance by signing up on Challonge.com… Read the full article