DreamerRay: When did you start playing wc?
$u}3-ZeR(): i started playing sometime in 2000 i believe
$u}3-ZeR(): dont really remember
DreamerRay: How did you learn about wc?
$u}3-ZeR(): i was sitttin in class passing out during a lecture and all of a sudden i hear some noise coming from comps
$u}3-ZeR(): someone was playing war 2 cuz he was finished with all his work
$u}3-ZeR(): so i go back there and he showed me the basics
DreamerRay: cool
$u}3-ZeR(): our instructor didnt care cuz it was an extra credit class
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): hehe
DreamerRay: What is the number one problem on bnet today you think?
$u}3-ZeR(): the number one problem on bnet would have to be people suffering from “hacker denial”
$u}3-ZeR(): they hack but they deny it so people think they are good
DreamerRay: k
$u}3-ZeR(): either way they play us and get owned
DreamerRay: yep that true
DreamerRay: 8*)
$u}3-ZeR(): if any hackers read this : SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
DreamerRay: lol
DreamerRay: Rate this people in order from best to worst, Stallion-, DreamerNick, -)Heels(-, and ~PoiSoN_SwOrD!~, DreamerRay
DreamerRay: 8*)
$u}3-ZeR(): hehe
$u}3-ZeR(): Nick stall ray heels poison sword
DreamerRay: 8*)
DreamerRay: ring in the middle
$u}3-ZeR(): the ratings are in order based on skill overall
DreamerRay: k
$u}3-ZeR(): but each one of em is good at certain maps
$u}3-ZeR(): they could all make a top 5 on some map
DreamerRay: Name the “TOP TRASH TALKER”
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): top trash talker would have to go to…………..
$u}3-ZeR(): terror
$u}3-ZeR(): he gets all crazy and shit if he loses
$u}3-ZeR(): cool guy
$u}3-ZeR(): bad mood swings
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): my suggestion: lay off the roids dude
DreamerRay: K ask you the same question I asked Poison “If you could kick one person off bnet forever who would it be and why?”
DreamerRay: this a good one
$u}3-ZeR(): i wouldnt kick anyone off of bnet……what fun would this place be without some variety
$u}3-ZeR(): we need shit talkers
$u}3-ZeR(): and we need quiet people
DreamerRay: cool
$u}3-ZeR(): and we need people to spam channels
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): it gives us something to talk about
DreamerRay: yep
$u}3-ZeR(): u never hear “how was school today” u hear “dude i hate camp joy that fag”
$u}3-ZeR(): talking bout real life is boring at times
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
DreamerRay: yep
DreamerRay: lol
DreamerRay: Who are the Top 3 overrated peeps on bnet today?
$u}3-ZeR(): overrated………hmmm
$u}3-ZeR(): tough one
$u}3-ZeR(): i’d say mr`5 overrates himself
$u}3-ZeR(): although he is good
$u}3-ZeR(): poison
$u}3-ZeR(): thinks he is better than he is
$u}3-ZeR(): and……………hmmmmmmmmm i cant think of a 3rd
$u}3-ZeR(): i hope i get flamed for my opinions
DreamerRay: lol
DreamerRay: k
$u}3-ZeR(): if i do im going to respond “hi how is ur pet bunny”
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
DreamerRay: Who is the Top 3 underrated peeps on bnet?
$u}3-ZeR(): underrated
$u}3-ZeR(): would be
$u}3-ZeR(): {ban}necrolyte
$u}3-ZeR(): for sure
$u}3-ZeR(): and…….
$u}3-ZeR(): {ban}`Nikotyne
$u}3-ZeR(): niko has really been getting good at lots of maps
DreamerRay: ya
$u}3-ZeR(): and he plays more that he used to at other maps
$u}3-ZeR(): and 3rd would be
$u}3-ZeR(): [NM]Shyt
$u}3-ZeR(): he is always making up his own strats
$u}3-ZeR(): doing shit people wont attempt
DreamerRay: k
$u}3-ZeR(): and he wins
$u}3-ZeR(): thats the scary part lol
DreamerRay: lol
DreamerRay: go land on c6 ” and wins”
DreamerRay: 8*)
$u}3-ZeR(): hehe
$u}3-ZeR(): he used zepps to cover the way to his base on c6 and u couldnt hit his base lol
DreamerRay: k Something we all want to know ” why is your name subzero?
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): y is my name subzero
DreamerRay: yep
$u}3-ZeR(): well thats funny actually
DreamerRay: good
$u}3-ZeR(): i was on ~CML~ZeR()_CooL for a long time but i wanted to join {ban}
$u}3-ZeR(): so the day i joined
$u}3-ZeR(): i was eating cereal
$u}3-ZeR(): and i dropped some on my mk3 game cover
$u}3-ZeR(): then i was like…..hmmmmmmmm subzero sounds cool
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): and thats how i got the name lol
DreamerRay: for u eating cereal to being subzero
DreamerRay: k
$u}3-ZeR(): yep from lucky charms to subzero
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
DreamerRay: give me one word to descripe these peeps, DreamerMike, Jell(), {ban}`nikotyne, {ban}`gangsta, and last but not least [NM]SLICK
$u}3-ZeR(): heh
$u}3-ZeR(): mike = squito
$u}3-ZeR(): nikotyne = subsfavorite
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): gangsta = misunderstood
$u}3-ZeR(): slick = funny
$u}3-ZeR(): i dont know jello
$u}3-ZeR(): but i heard bad things
$u}3-ZeR(): so i wont comment
DreamerRay: lol
DreamerRay: What is the diet of the Bnet’s Sub zero to stay in shape?
DreamerRay: 8*)
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
$u}3-ZeR(): eat lots of APPLES
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): anyway i have to exercise a bit cuz of navy and stuff
DreamerRay: oh ya
DreamerRay: nave
DreamerRay: navy*
$u}3-ZeR(): heh
DreamerRay: What is your job in the navy??
$u}3-ZeR(): im not sure if im allowed to tell u if this will be posted
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
DreamerRay: lol
DreamerRay: k make something cool up then
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
$u}3-ZeR(): nah ill tell u the truth
$u}3-ZeR(): i work with submarines and operating and maintaining the nuclear reactor and its associated systems
DreamerRay: lol
DreamerRay: all that in english now for use morons
DreamerRay: lol
DreamerRay: us*
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
$u}3-ZeR(): i work in a submarine making it go vroom vroom so we can kill the red communists fags
$u}3-ZeR(): better?
DreamerRay: lol
DreamerRay: yep
DreamerRay: good now
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
DreamerRay: lol
DreamerRay: im really laugh 8*)
$u}3-ZeR(): communist*
$u}3-ZeR(): hehe
DreamerRay: k
DreamerRay: k back to wc now lol
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
$u}3-ZeR(): k
DreamerRay: Give me peeps that this words descripes…..Weird…..
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
$u}3-ZeR(): camp joy
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): hmmmmm
$u}3-ZeR(): don at times
$u}3-ZeR(): but he is cool
DreamerRay: don is good
DreamerRay: 8*)
$u}3-ZeR(): and nikotyne
$u}3-ZeR(): weird because he isnt normal
$u}3-ZeR(): not a bad weird cuz he is funny as hell
DreamerRay: yep
DreamerRay: fun to play games with
$u}3-ZeR(): yep
$u}3-ZeR(): its funny to see him say shit like this
$u}3-ZeR(): “i’ll ally u if u can tell me how many socks im wearing”
$u}3-ZeR(): newbs “2”
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): niko “no u idiot im wearing 1 pink sock”
$u}3-ZeR(): “newb has left the game”
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
DreamerRay: lol
DreamerRay: k Last question of the day.
$u}3-ZeR(): k then i got one for u
DreamerRay: k
DreamerRay: Who is the best president.
DreamerRay: ?
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): Bush cuz he gives me raises lol
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): ok now my ?
DreamerRay: k
$u}3-ZeR(): y dont old women have sex?
$u}3-ZeR(): You ever tried to open a grilled cheese sandwich?
$u}3-ZeR(): lol
DreamerRay: Because it makes me sick 8*(………
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): ok im done
DreamerRay: k
DreamerRay: thxs for your time
$u}3-ZeR(): thanks
$u}3-ZeR(): for urs
DreamerRay: 8*)
$u}3-ZeR(): dont forget to keep ur ticket to this interview
DreamerRay: thats a rap fokks
$u}3-ZeR(): good for a 1 weeks pass to disneyland
DreamerRay: lol
$u}3-ZeR(): cya later ray
DreamerRay: peace
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