DreamerMike: first, how old are you and when did you start playing war2?
Stallion-: I am 31 yrs old and I started playing when I was 27
DreamerMike: so you didn’t start on bnet then? zone/heat/kali?
Stallion-: I started in Kali
DreamerMike: right
Stallion-: 1998
DreamerMike: would you say that the overall skill level of players is better now on bnet than it was on kali?
Stallion-: I would say that it would be but I only played basically 1 map on Kali so I never knew their skill level
DreamerMike: i c
Stallion-: I was known as the 1 pud wonder in Kali
DreamerMike: what pud was that?
Stallion-: That of course would be Gruntwork..99% of my games in kali
DreamerMike: ah
DreamerMike: did anyone teach you at any time during your career?
Stallion-: Yes
DreamerMike: who, and what did you gain?
Stallion-: Well we all are newbs at some point and I was playing Gruntwork one day and this guy named Raven came in and crushed me pretty good
DreamerMike: ah
Stallion-: He said he saw something in me that he really liked so he started showing me the ropes
Stallion-: Many of you know him as {ban}Crack
DreamerMike: ya
Stallion-: To me he is and always will be Raven
DreamerMike: are you two still friends?
Stallion-: I don’t ever call him Crack
Stallion-: I owe a lot to Raven…he just didn’t teach me the map Gruntwork but also the game of war2
Stallion-: We became best friends on kali
DreamerMike: so yes… still friends?
Stallion-: We always gamed together and we finsihed our kali 2v2 GW record at 246-12
Stallion-: We got to BNE and he joined a clan and since I have never joined a clan we went our seperate ways because he would always be playing with them. Just recently we started playing together again and yes we are and always will be good friends. I know some people don’t like him because of the way he acts sometimes but if you just get to know him he is a great guy.
DreamerMike: why dont you join clans? what about clans is unattractive to you?
Stallion-: I really do like some clans but I just like to be clanless…give me a little something that not many good players have…but I do think what would a clan be like and I have thought of making 1 on my own but figured it be too hard to do a web site and keep good people..I can’t stand clan hopping.
Stallion-: btw Shadowcc has taught me some war2 tactics so I give him much props too….he is probably my best war2 friend and ally.
DreamerMike: rank the top 10 active GW players, in order, in your opinion
Stallion-: At this moment in time if we held a tourny this is what I think
Stallion-: 1)Suckyboi 2)Shadowcc 3)KDoGG 4)King_Rat 5)Zvic 6)Redemption 7)Anh~pro 8)DreamerJosh 9)Crazyde 10)Raven
DreamerMike: no stallion in there?
Stallion-: no
DreamerMike: hmm ok
DreamerMike: we have now reached the controversy section
Stallion-: nice
DreamerMike: all questions i will ask pertain only to customs players, maps, and community
Stallion-: k
DreamerMike: rank the following clans, at their peak, in order from best to worst (by whatever standard you use, skill, attitude, whatever)
DreamerMike: dreamer, mr, ban, imp, bh, ut, saw
Stallion-: Can I add a kali clan to the list ?
DreamerMike: nope :)
Stallion-: fine fine
DreamerMike: hehe
Stallion-: Ban, Dreamer, BH, $@W, UT, MR, imp … Since I never have done clan wars I don’t have good insight to clans but something like this but note I think )(DoGG)( clan was the best ever
DreamerMike: k
DreamerMike: 3 most overrated active players?
Stallion-: Thats easy
Stallion-: Stallion, Warbabe (ranked on the top 10 GW list – She is good but not top 10 sorry) and Mr`5 (anyone who ranks themself as #1 ever is clearly overrated)
DreamerMike: k
DreamerMike: single most underrated player?
Stallion-: prolly Suckyboi…he really rocks on a lot of maps and didn’t even show up on the top 10 GW list.
DreamerMike: i agree
DreamerMike: ok i will list random names
Stallion-: heh now the fun begins
DreamerMike: give 1-10 rating of their skill, and if you want you can add a 1 or 2 word description
DreamerMike: ~bh~flame
Stallion-: that will be 1-2 sentences I am afraid
DreamerMike: lol
Stallion-: I really rate most players according to maps
DreamerMike: overall customs ability
Stallion-: Flame – Very good player – I played him C6 he is really good but not much else I have played him on so I guess at overall 8.5
DreamerMike: k
DreamerMike: nick/spliffstar
Stallion-: Spliffstar – Great player – played him on C6/GW/EZ5 – Overall he got game – 9
DreamerMike: dreamerseymour
Stallion-: Seymour – Hated him as Pete – became good friends when he was Seymour then something went wrong and we hated each other and sadly that is how it ended when he left. Some day I hope to become friends with him again because we argued for no good reason. Skill Wise he really improved and he left as a 8.5 overall I think
DreamerMike: gangsta
Stallion-: Gangsta – Another person I just could not seem to get along with at 1st…might have something to do with him always saying he owned me but I had a revalution and I think were actually friends..not sure though heh…He has much skill and I give him his due…9
DreamerMike: imp god73
Stallion-: Imp God 73 – Where did he go ? anyway he was a nice person and decent player – I go with a solid 7
DreamerMike: dreamerdwayne
Stallion-: Dwayne – Truly 1 of the best person I have ever met on BNE – He can play more maps then most think and is underrated in my book. i give him a 9
DreamerMike: osiris
Stallion-: Osiris – He and I played together for a short period of time a lot before he got this Clan [24-7] kick. He was really good at different maps. – 8.5
DreamerMike: nova
Stallion-: Nova – aka Twispi as I know him – We gamed in kali and he gave me some good GW games. I go with an 8
DreamerMike: terror
Stallion-: Terror – Never really did get along with the kid but he had good skill – 8.5
DreamerMike: kdogg
Stallion-: KDoGG – one of my homeboys from kali – He can play many maps and is really skilled – 9
DreamerMike: dreamerjoe
Stallion-: DreamerJoe – Never really played with him so I have to give him a N/A
DreamerMike: k
DreamerMike: stallion- (be honest not modest)
Stallion-: I don’t think I ever played 1 game with him … N/A = not appliable
DreamerMike: lol nope
DreamerMike: have to
Stallion-: I can’t judge someone I never played with or against…how can I know how good he was ?
DreamerMike: sigh…
DreamerMike: dreamermike
DreamerMike: (i always end with that )
Stallion-: Dreamermike – Played a little with and against him but he does very well against good players in custom maps – For that I have to give him an 8
DreamerMike: last question
DreamerMike: u ever hacked?
Stallion-: I have never hacked online – I got sick of all the people hacking so I d/l the hacks they used to test them out offline and see what is up with them. Then I d/l the hack detectors and caught 20 people in the 1st week.
DreamerMike: hmm… name any for us?
Stallion-: Well I will name some people that you guys don’t really know…I will refrain from naming the people that still play or I am friends with
DreamerMike: well that’s no fun
DreamerMike: what do we care about dethkiler1554
Stallion-: Horror, Knuck, speedy, Flash-
DreamerMike: thx
Stallion-: out of all the times I caught ppl only 1 person admited it
Stallion-: so there is no use naming the people we know they will deny it anyway but I know the truth
DreamerMike: i c
Stallion-: thought I have the SS
DreamerMike: well thx very much sir, for doing this
DreamerMike: i will pst it next week
Stallion-: np
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