Warcraft 2 Bio
Main WC2 Username | ArRoW |
Other Usernames | AA.Broken-Arrow BLeSseDxArRow ArR(o)W |
Began Playing | 2000 |
Quit Playing | Quit around 2006 and returned around 2013 |
Map / Speed / Resource Preference | EF, F |
Favorite Unit | archers |
Clans You've Belonged To | BLeSseDx Archers Alliance Extreme Archerz |
Accomplishments | I have won several tournaments in Archer Friends. Consistently ranked #1. Back in the day I was a legend. |
Favorite Allies | DEADLY. FA-FrozenArr0w (evil~ryu), BLeSseDxRanger, Fat~Albert, d8~ |
Favorite Enemies | Swift, LordBadAss, Passwd, Yamon, aa.humanz3k.aa |
Contact Info | erickeller2@yahoo.com |
Long Form Answers
Best skill?
I have the ability to play all maps at a high level. Many people considered me a "customs" noob when I strive to be an "all around" player.
Worst “skill”?
My competitiveness sometimes got the best of me.
If you could change one thing about War2 what would it be?
If we could all come together as a community and bring clans and the edge for competitiveness like back in the day back that would be amazing.
Favorite strategy?
To be quick with excellent micro-management and flanking skills
Anything you regret?
Spending way too much time on this game when I was younger.
I owned swift in a series.
Most memorable games/times?
Playing with all the oldie archer players. I brought a lot of them back. Most of them are no longer here.
What makes you memorable?
My name. I am the Arrow.
Who was the best of all time?
Most of the "best" are gone.
Describe your “career” from start to finish.
I started when I was around 12. I was very much not a good player. I started training with AA.freeza.AA, then EA-Leader, then finally the legendary DEADLY after I was kicked out for beating the admin humanz3k in AA. I thought I was untouchable until I joined BLeSSeDx. I then learned that I needed much more training and to be the best I had to play all other types of maps.
Wow! Can’t believe I cam across this. This is Freeza. I’m downloading war2combat.
This is [AA]Lordbadass. Glad to see I made an enemies list. If you’d like a much more detailed history of Archers and [AA] in general hit me up. I co-founded the clan with Eagle and Silver.
Wow that’s a blast from the past. So long ago. It’s good to see you Lordy! I would love to catch up sometime
This is JaGgEdArRoW or [AA]~~silver~~. I was in AA, EA, WD. Does anyone still play archers only? I came across this, a blast from the past…
Hi, now, of course, only Archers are played much less often, but people still host such games, yes.
Man Silver it’s been so long. You are definitely one of the top people I remember back then. It’s good to hear from you. I would love to get online and chat and play some AO sometime!
Blast from the past! I’m FrozenArrow you mentioned/ ~Gh()$t~ was my main. Where and how do these games still fire? I see the newly remastered version – do Archers games happen there?
Hi, there is in the Remastered special patch that buffs archers a lot, but I wouldn’t say that people there play often only archers. Also, there is no option to host maps with map default settings, so there is no such thing as playing only archers on any map.