This is a relatively rare problem with no known solution. It usually occurs when the game is initially launched, but has also been reported to happen when restoring the game after Alt+tabbing. The only symptom… Read the full article
Problems with Laggy Games & Conflict
This article discusses “lag”, which is a general term used to refer to reduced game speed caused by a poor Internet connection or other network issues. Lag is characterized by slower unit speeds and greatly… Read the full article
Installation Guide for War2Combat (Video)
In-depth installation guide for War2Combat, by Frostbitten.
Downloads Page is Back
Apologies for the downtime, the Downloads page is back and all links should be working again. Please let me know if any links are broken, thanks! On a side note, I also updated the userlist… Read the full article
New Forum — Registrations Now Open!
For a long time now new users have been frustrated by the inability to register on our primary community forum, the Warcraft Occult forum. In order to address this problem, a new community forum has been… Read the full article
Warcraft 2 on
GaNz has started a petition on to add WC2 to their gaming platform, which could potentially introduce hundreds of new players to the game! Please take a moment to vote and leave a comment… Read the full article
Hitlerism 2.0 is Now in Effect
The Server Rules have been extensively rewritten and reposted. Informally christened “Hitlerism” by some, the new rules are nonetheless designed to maintain order, curtail hacking, and ensure that the server will be a friendly and… Read the full article