When you’re new to the server it can seem difficult to join, host, or play matches against other people — don’t give up! These problems are common and very easy to solve. You host a… Read the full article
Doubles Tournament Sunday, January 31st 4pm EST
The next Doubles tournament will be on next Sunday at 4pm eastern time. The map will be GOW EF, and the prize will be a 50 dollar split between the winners, and a special Doubles… Read the full article
Classic GOW EF Singles Tournament, Sunday December 20th 4pm EST
Hi guys, The Singles Tournament for this month will be held on Sunday, December 20th at 4pm Eastern time. The map will be Classic GOW EF, and prizes will be the standard 1st $40, 2nd… Read the full article
Doubles Tournament Sunday, December 13th 4pm EST
The next Doubles tournament will be on Dec 13, 2015 at 4:00pm Eastern time. The map will be Gardern of War Classic edition. Prize will be $50 split between the winners. Also please keep in… Read the full article
Nov 28th Tourney Results!
The results for the Nov 28th singles tourney are in! And the winner is… Kyle00 (aka Swift)! Check out the full brackets here: http://challonge.com/war2gow1 As a reminder, a different map was played each round:… Read the full article
$100+ 80 Man PBall Tournament December 12th 8 PM EST
The next PBall tournament will be 80 Man PBall and at least $100. It will pay at least 1st and 2nd. This will be the last tournament (at least for now) that awards the coveted… Read the full article