War2.ru has most of the same commands as Battle.net. Here’s a list of the most common and useful server commands that anyone can use. /w [username] [message] – Send a private message to another user,… Read the full article
If you're new to WC2 or haven't been playing online for very long you'll probably find yourself struggling against veteran players. To help newbies overcome the multiplayer learning curve many pro players have taken the time to create training guides & videos that will instruct you in basic strategy and building techniques for some of the most common maps.
Overview of Commonly Played Maps
Classics Garden of War – A classic map that is the single most-played WC2 map ever. Old timers have played this map literally hundreds (and often thousands) of times, and are exhaustively familiar with every… Read the full article
Advanced strategy by ViRuZ
Here is a post from ViRuZ, one of the best, if not the best Warcraft 2 remaining player. He shares his insight on how he approaches the late game and how this separates the great tier 1 players from the other good players. I hope you find it interesting.
GoW Training Vids for New Players
Here is a collection of videos to help out for people just starting to play the game!
New Training videos by BuRnT
I will be working on uploading some basic Garden of War Classic training videos showing some basic building placements from each spot. Here is the first one uploaded To check out for more as they… Read the full article