So as for the upcoming Summer Festival it will begin on the weekend of July 16th-17th and will start at 3:00pm Eastern time The number of maps to be played will depend entirely on how… Read the full article

Festival VI Review / Replays
Thanks once again for everyone who came on and joined us for another exciting weekend! Finally … never before done… Viruz was able to claim the championship for the second time! Feel free to post… Read the full article
War2 Festival VI July 25th-27th ($2000 Cash Prize!)
July 25th @ 5pm EST: 1vs1 Map Variety Low Resource July 25th @ 8pm EST: Chop 2vs2 Tournament July 26th @ 12pm EST: Map Variety 2vs2 Tournament July 26th @ 3pm EST: GoW Fastest 2vs2… Read the full article
Warcraft 2 From the Heart!
The following channels have been added to the side channel list for this weekend’s Festival event on Warcraft II! Tournament 2 Tournament 3 Archers Players Chop Players BGH Players Free Castle Players Paintball Players Old… Read the full article
Warcraft II Festival V
Warcraft 2 Festival V is just around the corner! July 26th-28th the players will be coming back to reunite once again to take part in the biggest events of the year! Tournaments Friday July 26th… Read the full article
Warcraft 2 Festival V Scheduled for July 26-28th
Warcraft 2 Festival V is just around the corner! July 26th-28th the players will be coming back to reunite once again to take part in the biggest events of the year! July 26th Map Variety… Read the full article
Swift vs Viruz (Festival IV Finals)
Video of Swift vs. Viruz from the Warcraft 2 Festival IV finals!
War2 Festival IV 2vs2 Tournament Videos
A series of three videos with commentary, covering three 2v2 matches from the War2 Festival IV. Featuring: Swift & Viruz vs. Knitterhemd & Braviet