This article discusses “lag”, which is a general term used to refer to reduced game speed caused by a poor Internet connection or other network issues. Lag is characterized by slower unit speeds and greatly delayed response time, and is often accompanied by the “drop players” window.
This article covers the following:
Every game you join has lag
You are able to join games hosted by other players, but when the game starts it is always very laggy. Oftentimes the “Drop players” screen will pop up intermittently and you will eventually “drop” or “lag out” of the game (i.e. disconnect).
The most likely cause for this problem is a poor Internet connection. Unfortunately there isn’t much advice we can offer beyond upgrading your service or switching to a new ISP altogether.
Conflict between certain players
Everyone can play with Player A, no problem.
Everyone can play with Player B, no problem.
Neither of them actually lags in games with all these people.
But Player A and Player B in the same game? Terrible unplayable lag.
In the above scenario Players A & B are conflicting with one another. This is a difficult, irregular problem and seems to be related to ISP, Internet connection, network configuration and other factors.
- Solution #1: Configure your computer to us a public DNS. This solution has been proposed by members of our forum, but has not been verified to be a definitive solution. If you’re experiencing conflict on the server with one or more players then it’s worth giving it a shot!
Games with more than one opponent always lag
When you play games versus more than one opponent (three or more total players) the games always lag and/or you immediately get dropped.
This problem is believed to be related to certain ISPs, so short of changing to a new provider there isn’t a known solution. Discussions on our forum have indicated it could be related specifically to the hardware they provide (modem or router). There’s also a detailed solution posted on for solving the same problem in Starcraft which could potentially also work in Warcraft 2.
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