Most people have heard by now that a long time player and well-known member of our community, ^AdaM^, died suddenly of a heart attack on May 16th at the far too young age of 32.
In the week since then people have been coming together on the forum, server, Facebook group & elsewhere to reminisce about good times, tell stories of past games, and to say their farewells.
We’ve collected the stories and sentiments that have been shared and republished them here as a small memorial to Adam, our fellow WC2 player and all around great guy.
I’m really going to miss him. He was a great guy and I enjoyed all the conversations we had
He was my best friend on war2. We talked constantly outside of war2. What an amazing guy the world has lost.
We all played some games for you tonight man.. me, sean, jordan, kyle, and joe.. sean thought of wearing the ^^ tag’s in your honor. We all did it… i might hold on to them for a while.
We’re all gonna miss you man. Not going to be the same without you.
I really liked Adam. He was truly one of the nicest people on this game. Really seemed like a great person. Very shocking and saddening.
Thanks for the warmth of your presence throughout the years, and the great tax advice as well. RIP friend.
Adam was such a nice guy….
RIP my friend ;( <3
Was fun to play with him. GL in the afterlife.
One of the nicest war2 players to ever play the game. A terribly sad day. God bless you man. Tonight I will be playing under the name ^LuX^
Wow, thats really terrible… We were just gaming the other day.. I s9 rushed and killed his ally at 5, his ally was yelling at him and talking shit to him all game and eventually left in disgust… Adam Owned the shit out of us 2on1 at late game vs me and champion. Was an excellent performance, after he really wanted to yell at his ally after for not having faith. They engaged in a lengthy debate after, said he knew his limitations and plays to his strengths not his weaknesses which was a smart approach i thought…. I’ve really enjoyed gaming with the guy over the years, we would talk smack but he never seemed to take it personal was all in good fun… 1 of the last things he said to me was “hello paper”, I said FUCK U tax man… I think he knew i was joking but wish i coulda said something more profound if I knew i would never see him again, fuck me man….. I’m going to miss gaming with him, Someone should create a pud in his honor! With epic, chops, chokes points , hops, versatility …. I guess it can happen to any of us. I’m low body fat % ripped but my LDL and triglycerides are really bad, everyone should test their cholesterol. Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure ;(
Nail, Jungle, Adam, Soth Axo’s bro…. Falkentyne kinda looked like travon Martin but i could be wrong
RIP Buddy
Damn that’s fucked up…RIP ^Adam^
Rest in peace Adam.
Repose en paix Adam, can hate the server but it’s still family.
Shocked and deeply saddened. RIP dude. Never got to ‘know’ him but onlyplayed with/against him. Knowing you won’t get to see him again is sad.
Never knew he was a tax accountant. Could have gotten along pretty well with me I guess.
Great guy, sad day! Good Luck my friend.
This is pretty mindblowing. I just played with Adam last week-end and the next day he’s gone. From what i can tell, Adam was a really decent person. He always stays polite and never trash talks. He always had a positive attitude and a certain special sense of humor. For example we would joke about him lending me his stadium pal so i could play war2 without breaks. We won the first 2s tourney of 2014 together and we called ourselves the champs for a while. I even remember recently the last 2s tourney we played where we got eliminated by Joe and swift. But we succeeded to defeat them once. It was basically me vs Joe in a neighbour war. Joe was out and i was down to 3 peons. Adam was 12 vs swift at 5. Swift got lust and hit me first. Adam rescued me and I survived but had to start back from scratch with 3 or 4 peons again. So it was basically Adam vs Swift and boy, he went toe-to-toe with him for 15 min before i could finally make a come back and at this point he surrendered.
He was far far too young to die from a heart attack.
Rest in peace Adam, wherever you are.
R.I.P. ^Adam^. Great Gamer
Rip adam
Pretty cool guy to lose he played chop right?
but no adam was a pretty chill dude and died far too young. I offered to teach him a few times but he was proud of the fact he learned the game on his own. I mean I can’t say it’s the wisest decision if you’re going to play every day, but he took pride in his skills.
I wasn’t his best friend on Warcraft 2, but I’d like to think I was one of his top 10-15 favorites. We had many side-chats and intense gow games (though I was never truly competitive versus him). I have had the blessed opportunity to lose to him 20+ times in gow, while only beating him less than a handful. Please be Jesus and come back from the dead!!! We dearly miss you already.
I feel terrible that I left the game for a few weeks to come back and find an honorable man taken away from us. May he be in a better place. It’s truly cruel to die from a heart attack at such a young age. I love you man! Hopefully there’s a few girls in heaven up there for you. You’ll be with us for a long time man. Rest in peace brotha.
I’ve read all of the above comments and hope that we can give him a great tribute. I appreciate the Joes and Swifts of the game that changed their name for the night. If we could put him as #1 in ladder like someone suggested or maybe his picture in the War2 Combat section it would be great. There have likely been many unexpected deaths with past players that have touched us, but Adam is and was a legend and a true War2er.
I co-founded a clan called SUP- with SUP-Potentate (I was SUP-King), and he died 2 weeks after starting the clan in a car crash. It devastated me. Adam’s death hurts me much more. The nostalgia and the level of involvement we all have in this game is immense. Let’s keep playing for Adam!!! It’s what he would have wanted us to do.
An old time war2 player has passed away. ^AdaM^ was a great guy and skilled player. He’ll be missed in the community.
I regret not putting my PC back together to get another game in with him :( It’s been years.
I turned on my laptop from sleep mode after a few days of not playing and when I turned it on I realized that I had left war2 running. It had eventually frozen up and disconnected, but the last conversation that it froze up on was from Adam. I found myself asking myself “what are the chances?”. His last sentence gave me goosebumps. What do you think?
RIP Adam :(
This week we mourn the loss of one of our own. On behalf of the community, I would like to offer my sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Adam McInnis, better known to us as ^AdaM^. Those of us who did not know him as well as others have certainly heard great things about him over the past few days. I assure you, Azeroth will never forget this skilled and humble player.^AdaM^
I have not really known what to say about this over the last few days. I have been taking some time away from the game only keeping up through reading the forums , and just wow.. It’s been rough wanting to be there with you guys through all of this. My only current internet is through the phone so I can’t log on but just want you to all know I love you like family and I will eventually be back. Keep on gaming ^Adam^ and fly those wings away ^^
I played with Adam just last sunday. It was me and shotgun vs him and braviet. I played well that night and he complemented me on my gameplay. He said I played outstanding and I returned the favor by telling him he was an outstanding human. Adam was always super nice to everyone on war2, even to the assholes who look down on others and treat them like shit because they aren’t on the same skill level. You know who you are and you wont be remembered the way adam is being remember today. I didn’t know adam as well as i feel like I should have. I didn’t know my grandfather as well as I should have either. Let us all be reminded of the limited time we have with our friends and family. Any day could be any ones last.
ggs adam, we will play again someday.
PB, thanks for not naming names but I was his ally that game. I was giving him shit. We are terrible partners together for 2s. Every time we do it, it just doesn’t work out well. Well, sort of.
We’ve 2s only maybe 5-6 times in the last 6 months I would say. The first time, I left early and we had like no hope. Then he msgs me 20mins later and goes I WON IT! I couldn’t believe it. A month or so later we 2s again, I get doubled and die and leave, annoyed again. Adam wins it again.
Then a month later we 2s and HE DIES and leaves. I stay and win it 2v1, and msg him, I WON IT!! Then our game vs PB and Champion, this mofo wins it again. I think we are like 5-1 but we’ve only both been there for maybe 1 of the wins, hahaha.
We had a love hate relationship. We got along and liked each other unless we parded 2s pretty much. Just have different points of views on how to play it. I still liked the guy, we played the next day after the PB game. He asked me if I was still raging, haha. We played a fun goofy ass good game of 4s.
He was a regular and around my skill level so we gamed a lot.
Sorry to hear the news, it’s real sad. Good guy, active player who kept getting better, and you always knew when tax season came around cuz you didn’t see ^Adam^ on very much for about 2 months a year. RIP buddy.
Rip Adam
Rip ^Adam^ with an all seeing invisible eye (look) as he shows being departed
^Adam^ owning in a game with stats to prove it; Victory Screen (10/03/2015 @ 7;30 EST)
This is the worst possible thing to see when coming back to play after awhile. You always expect things and people to be same when you return. He was one of the last players I had gamed with. He was a ALWAYS willing to 1v1, gracious in defeat and winning, and he was genuinely willing to help the community and newer players. He would put people in their place when needed. He was level headed and would present thoughtful dialogue about topical subjects or the game.
That’s what makes it all the more tough to process is that he was such a constant presence. For those that knew him better or longer I am sorry for your loss.
TK- Please extend my condolences to his family and friends if you’re able; they should know that he had a positive impact on lives they might not know existed.
RIP ^Adam^
I am heartbroken to see this.
I think just about everyone that’s been around this game long enough knew ^AdaM^ and that he was a nice, genuine fella that could play war2. When we played as a team, I would talk trash FOR him. I used to write fake quotes of him talking trash to our opponents and sometimes, i’d get an ‘lol’ out of him. I encouraged him to talk trash, and the odd time he did, I would laugh my ass off. When I would watch ^AdaM^ play, I never wanted anyone to win more. I was always his biggest fan.
He loved playing 1on1s, and he’d challenge me to best of 50 series all the time. We never made it to 50 but we got close a few times.
Funny how much of a profound impact you can have on those around you by just being a kind and humble person. In the hundreds (thousands?) of hours we’d spent gaming together in war2/sc2, over the course of 15+ years, I knew absolutely nothing about him other than there was this guy somewhere sitting behind a computer, with a lot of class, dignity and positive energy having a good time. I’m happy that he got to spend his time doing something that he loved and I had the honor of sharing in that experience with him for so many years.
If you’d like to add your own tribute to Adam you can leave a comment below or pm me to have it added to this post.
Rest in peace my friend :(
There are no words i can say to explain how saddening and how deeply that hurt me and all other players.. You were a great guy Adam, Gl in the afterlife.
The whole community will miss you..
May you be our angel now :)
Awesome job putting this together.
I love watching you guys and feel very heavy hearted that we lost a friend, partner, player. RIP our Honorable ^Adam^
Is this really true? How terrible and pointless if it is. I’ve know Adam for about 15 years and always enjoyed his e-company and conversations / gaming with him. RIP my friend, you will truly be missed.
Enjoyed the game, Enjoyed life, Died to young. Lesson learned here. R.I.P. ^ADAM^ .
RIP my friend. In the past 3 or 4 years you have been my ally for more games than anyone else. You are to this day one of the only facebook friends I have kept in touch with from war2. Every time I would come back to play for a bit you were there to welcome me back. I enjoyed countless games playing with you in warcraft as well as starcraft 2. I knew about your health issues I just never imagined at the age of 32 it would come to this. I always disliked how people talked down on you even though I felt you were a solid player. You put in your time and effort to become a good player and never bashed anyone along the way. I truly admired you for that and your relentless pursuit to excel. Pretty sure we would have been good friends if I ever met you in person. I am truly saddened that you have passed, and I am sorry to all the people that knew how great of person you were in this life. You will never be forgotten, watch over us all from up high in the sky.
hey this is jerrygarcia420 haven’t been on for away. miss you guys and I game a lot with adam. he was one of the top tier players. will be miss …
No words. I didn’t know him too well, but knew he was one of the good guys, quiet and polite. A big loss for the community :(
RIP mate.
– Dugs[anz]
Adam was a great guy. He will be missed by so many. Heaven must have needed another angel. See you on the other side buddy. Please remember to pray for Adam`s family during these holidays.
Love you my sweet friend. <3
The only player on the whole game i ever respected and always had fun with
He was 1 who gave me the nicname the bad guy that makes shit entertaining
I still miss him