GaNz has started a petition on to add WC2 to their gaming platform, which could potentially introduce hundreds of new players to the game! Please take a moment to vote and leave a comment… Read the full article
The latest goings-on of
Advanced strategy by ViRuZ
Here is a post from ViRuZ, one of the best, if not the best Warcraft 2 remaining player. He shares his insight on how he approaches the late game and how this separates the great tier 1 players from the other good players. I hope you find it interesting.
Festival VI Review / Replays
Thanks once again for everyone who came on and joined us for another exciting weekend! Finally … never before done… Viruz was able to claim the championship for the second time! Feel free to post… Read the full article
Hitlerism 2.0 is Now in Effect
The Server Rules have been extensively rewritten and reposted. Informally christened “Hitlerism” by some, the new rules are nonetheless designed to maintain order, curtail hacking, and ensure that the server will be a friendly and… Read the full article
War2 Festival VI July 25th-27th ($2000 Cash Prize!)
July 25th @ 5pm EST: 1vs1 Map Variety Low Resource July 25th @ 8pm EST: Chop 2vs2 Tournament July 26th @ 12pm EST: Map Variety 2vs2 Tournament July 26th @ 3pm EST: GoW Fastest 2vs2… Read the full article
New Site is Here!
At long last, the new version of the website has arrived! I haven’t finished importing (or in some cases creating) 100% of the content (tutorials, player bios, some news entries, etc.) but this will continue to… Read the full article
New War2 page by Mataga!
Mataga has created a new War2 fanpage called War2 Stronghold. Mataga’s vision is for the site to be used for tournaments and ratings.
The Resurrection of Warcraft II
The Dark Warrior brings us news of a potential Warcraft II revival – Blizzard informally announced during BlizzCon 2013 that there may be plans to relaunch the earlier titles in the Warcraft franchise, include Warcraft:… Read the full article