Spirit is hosting a 1v1 Archers Friends Tournament on Sunday May 22, 2016 at 3:00pm US EDT! The winner will be awarded the Archer icon: You can register in advance by signing up on Challonge.com… Read the full article
The latest goings-on of War2.ru...
45 Man PBall tournament Sunday, April 24th at 8 PM EST
There will be a $100-$150+ 45 Man PBall tournament Sunday, April 24th at 8 PM EST. Anyone is welcome but as usual Pay Pal will be required to collect your winnings. It will pay 3+… Read the full article
Prize money for the #1 ladder spot
Hey guys I have decided to start giving away prize money for the #1 ladder starting April 1st. Here’s how it works: I will be allocating a $100 prize pool each month for players who… Read the full article
Donate for the Warcraft 2 Summer Festival July 16th-July 17th 2016
So as for the upcoming Summer Festival it will begin on the weekend of July 16th-17th and will start at 3:00pm Eastern time The number of maps to be played will depend entirely on how… Read the full article
Server Temporarily Down
Our main server (server.war2.ru) has been offline since yesterday morning because of a DDoS attack. Players have switched to the backup server (backup.war2.ru) and the War2.me server (server.war2.me, aka “Mousetopher Server”) to continue playing in the meantime. The… Read the full article
P Ball Tournament Sunday, March 13th At 6pm Eastern
The map will be 45 man strife. And the payout will be $25 for the winner. If you get requested SS during the tournament and fail to post you will be banned for 1 week…. Read the full article
Server moved to new hosting
Well, i changed DNS record for server.war2.ru Should be applied in a few hours for everybody. If you try to join and see almost empty old server, just join backup. Your DNS record will be… Read the full article
KOTH Doubles Tournament Sunday, March 13th 2pm Eastern
The next Doubles tournament will be on March 13th at 2pm eastern time. The doubles tournament will be king of the hill style. Teams will pick a map and vs the opposing team at whatever… Read the full article