Hey guys as most of you already know we will be hosting a 4 week Tier 1 tournament. Start time for the tournament will begin at 03/09/2016 at 12am Eastern time.
All matches will be player on even faster with high settings.
Round 1 will be-Bridge to bridge combat
Round2 -Fierce ocean combat
Semi Finals-Gold seperates East from West
Finals-Garden of War
Each round will be best of 5 except for finals which is bo7
Each round will end 7 days after start time.
Example: tournament start time begins at 03/09/2016 at 12am Eastern time. Round 2 will begin at 03/16/2016 at 12am Eastern time.
All players must have finished their match by that time. If you are having trouble reaching your opponent PM me and we will try to set up a date and time for your match. If a player is unreachable or unwilling to play, they may be removed from the bracket and replaced.
Master tags will only be retained or given out to players who reach Round 2 or higher.
A Cash prize of $75 will be given to the 1st place finisher and a $25 will be given to the 2nd place finisher.(Players must stream or warvid to collect their cash prize.)
Are replays available? Or are they being streamed?
Two matches played so far, I know Szwagier streamed his. Check https://www.twitch.tv/szwagiermc, vid should be available for 2 weeks. If enough people stream/warvid I’ll try to collect them in a permanent youtube playlist.