Warcraft 2 Bio
Main WC2 Username | yamon |
Other Usernames | doofy |
Began Playing | 2004 |
Quit Playing | quit so many times i don't even know |
Map / Speed / Resource Preference | i don't give a shit as long as it's not a custom |
Favorite Unit | mage |
Clans You've Belonged To | SoC,102 |
Accomplishments | Taught very successful players. Can hold my own against anyone. |
Favorite Allies | Azazel is fun to play with, but other than that not in particular. I don't really like team games because i always have to carry. And when I ally swift he does stupid shit. |
Favorite Enemies | Shotgun, Lux, Swift. |
Shout-Outs | kyle is a fagt. |
Contact Info | yamon on war2 forums |
Real Life Bio
Info About Yourself | I smoke a fuck ton of weed. |
Location | Rhode Island, USA |
Occupation | Nothin |
Life & Career Goals | I'm still trying to figure out what this is all about. But I would like to become an economist. |
Musical preferences | Grunge and 90s music is my favorite. |
Favorite Political Party | Libertarian |
Hobbies | Reading, video games. |
Hottest LAY-dee (or fella!) | Uhhhhhh |
Quote | "the most faggot ally ever" |
Long Form Answers
Best skill?
Hasted DKS, scouting.
Worst “skill”?
I fuck up a lot. But that's because i'm always stoned. speed is probably my weakest "skill" necessary for war2
If you could change one thing about War2 what would it be?
more people
Favorite strategy?
countering whatever my opponent is doing every game, and then having them say " I KEEP CHOOSING THE WRONG STRATEGY!" - 00Logan
Anything you regret?
I do regret trolling everyone unrelentingly for a decade.
i fell in love with a war2 player :P
I always suspect myself of unsavory antics.
Thoughts on debatable issues
I supported war2 custom and I thought it would be much better than the current server.
Most memorable games/times?
My favorite peroid of war2 was about 04 when i would game until 4 am on a school night with clan SoC. I also remember one day my dad barging in my room at like 6 am telling me the bus is there, and i'm playing war2 with swift and lotus.
What makes you memorable?
Because i'm fucking awesome. Everyone loves me.
How did you get your name?
I made "yamon121" when i was like 13 and i can't remember what yamon was supposed to mean. But I got really popular in the war2 lc as "oh fuck it's yamon!" when i was a shit newb and would stalk the good players to learn.
Who was the best of all time?
It's definitely not Viruz. It's Easily swift.
Describe your “career” from start to finish.
joined 2004, became a custom noob. I started off playing tower wars for a few years. But then I joined the channel warcraft 2 ladder challenges on u.s. east and since I thought i was good at customs that they were nothing special. So I started shit talking, and SoCzNeDoK beat me lust to 4 grunts and it scared me for life and absolutely blew my mind and I wanted to do that to other people. Thus began my legit war2 "career" and i gamed with clan soc, hip, 102 and eventually met Swift. Then just gamed off and on until today.
Any parting words?
420 blaze it fagt.
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