Warcraft 2 Bio
Main WC2 Username | WhipBoy |
Other Usernames | ~FearDaWhip |
Began Playing | about a year after release (first computer game i EVER played) |
Quit Playing | after battle.net season 1 |
Map / Speed / Resource Preference | Anything/EF/anything :) had really cool games on FOC/LOW |
Favorite Unit | Grunts :) |
Clans You've Belonged To | ~FearDaUPS!, Dark Moose Clan (first one), Shining Force, Light Tangent, Dark Alliance, many many more... |
Accomplishments | #8 season 1 #2 ironman, I was on many #1 teams, won a few LaN tournaments which had a few ex IN clan members in them |
Favorite Allies | DiLLs, Lothar, ~Stormangel, Nex, BleedingGums, $hield, BackStab, Falkentyne |
Favorite Enemies | Azteca, KHB, Pimster, DethWlkr, Ash, INcinerate, TillerMaN |
Shout-Outs | to all my friends and foes alike I truely miss the days of all night War2 games and trash talk... maybe war3 will bring those days back |
Real Life Bio
Real Name | Stephen Tadlock |
Info About Yourself | Age: 22 (5/20/02) |
Location | Arlington, TX |
Occupation | Legal Assistant |
Musical preferences | Cold, Staind, Sevendust, etc.. |
Hobbies | Baseball, movies, Tribes2 |
Hottest LAY-dee (or fella!) | Reese Witherspoon (or however you spell it) |
Quote | "Hellp mew Dilskls ivew bewwnnnn shiottt" :) |
Long Form Answers
If you could change one thing about War2 what would it be?
Too much immaturity
Favorite strategy?
rushing, adapting... i also liked to sapper/ogre rush on water maps
Anything you regret?
I regret being an ass to some people when i was much younger, it's probably the main reason why i'm not in many peoples Top Ten (not that it matters much really).
There really are no confessions, if you know of anything you want cleared up I would be happy to answer.
Most memorable games/times?
I remember a 2v2 on 3v3.pud against Dark Tangent they doubled my ally early (I was on the other side of the map) and somehow i came back and won, also my very first team win vs a top 5 team Dills and I beat the Grunt Rushing Freaks on friends.pud... i had only been playing the game 3 months :)
What makes you memorable?
I would say that I was one of the best in a certain period, alot of people have been the "best" at one period of time however.
How did you get your name?
I was originally WhippingBoy which I got from the metallica song unforgiven I was thinking of a name to use and I heard " the whippingboy done wrong" and I was like cool... whippingboy... then I changed it to WhipBoy wheni joined Dark Moose because the name didnt fit :)
Who was the best of all time?
DethWlkr was perhaps the best team player of all time, he was simply amazing, I always had trouble beating INcinerate in 1v1's he was possibly the best 1v1 player
Describe your “career” from start to finish.
It was a great time while it lasted, It's a shame that there wasn't pro gaming when it was in it's prime. The War2 period is a very fond memory.
I’ve never seen anyone lie so blatantly about his warcraft achievements.