Warcraft 2 Bio
Main WC2 Username | RipE[Eur0] |
Other Usernames | RipE1 , RipE[WP] also DRipE1 in heat. |
Began Playing | when i got the war2 beta version which was bak in 94 or 95 wh0 kn0wz. |
Quit Playing | i never quit entirely |
Map / Speed / Resource Preference | high, f / ef , all the classic n ladda mapz + friendz , i cant stand chopchopBGh etc nigger mapz. |
Favorite Unit | ogre mage |
Clans You've Belonged To | WirePlay clan in the europe server, demon clan and sh clan in heat. |
Accomplishments | sum tourney winz and 2nd / 3rd placez n have played lots of igl games back in da past. |
Favorite Allies | all the euroz , all old friends mainly from telia server. |
Favorite Enemies | dumb yankz, idiot swedez and ppl who play both speeds without complaining. |
Contact Info | MSN: hapari@hotmale.cum |
Real Life Bio
Real Name | Riku , surname aint ur businezz |
Birthday | October 02, 1985 |
Info About Yourself | Da blond viking from da north! |
Location | Finland |
Occupation | student / terminal guy |
Life & Career Goals | to find a hot chick n get a proper work and buy BMW M5. |
Musical preferences | heavy metal, brit rok, brit pop, indie rock, indie pop, progressive rock, alternative rock etc all kinda shit |
Hobbies | downhill skiing , floorball, fishing , wankin , drinkin and fucking. |
Quote | try to behave! |
Long Form Answers
Best skill?
im fast, dualing , handling loads of bases at the same time, end game, large mapz.
Worst “skill”?
gaying, nib warz, first minz of the game, small mapz.
If you could change one thing about War2 what would it be?
ppl , and the arrogant attitude / shit talk
Favorite strategy?
taking the map and extend the game to continue hourz Cheesy
Anything you regret?
not really, i guess
i have blond pubez
Most memorable games/times?
gaming with TEH Eur0z, 2v2z bak in telia server with ppl like machinehead[WP] , Altzu , Maztodont, guelqwen etc.
What makes you memorable?
im the skitz0est fuk in bnet ever.
Who was the best of all time?
well the best of the north american playerz ive seen playin is prolly valkrie, but it'z contradictory situation for me cuz he was caught of hackin and I HATE HACKERZ. best of the european players ever was prolly finnish guy called Altzu, brit hornet, italian itzhotinher, or myself Tongue
Describe your “career” from start to finish.
wtf , fuk off. war2 career? kali kahn heat zone bnet, war2ru. been there done that, ive played in every place cept aol and wireplay server. thx n bye h0m0z.
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