Warcraft 2 Bio
Main WC2 Username | AcidGangsta |
Other Usernames | Ag |
Began Playing | 5-4-96 |
Quit Playing | 12-20-01 |
Map / Speed / Resource Preference | Any built-in's/ef/high,low |
Favorite Unit | Zaps |
Favorite Allies | AmishGangsta |
Favorite Enemies | I have no favorite enemies. |
Shout-Outs | AmishGangsta and his band Arsenic |
Contact Info | acidgangsta@hotmail.com |
Real Life Bio
Real Name | Josh Lindauer |
Birthday | May 04, 1983 |
Location | Baltimore, MD |
Occupation | Student |
Life & Career Goals | Network Administration |
Musical preferences | Metal |
Favorite Political Party | Independent |
Hobbies | recreational drugs |
Hottest LAY-dee (or fella!) | Ashley maile |
Quote | Marijuana, Hey atleast it's not crack! |
Long Form Answers
Best skill?
Worst “skill”?
Playing war2 fucked up.
If you could change one thing about War2 what would it be?
Nothing, all the bullshit that goes on in this game wouldn't have happened if we didnt have the lamers, that's what made it interesting.
Favorite strategy?
Ransacking peoples towns.
Anything you regret?
Not going to a netparty to clown some nigga's
What makes you memorable?
I don't know, You tell me.
Editor's Note: AcidGangsta was one of the few truly good Human players since the start of Battle.net.
How did you get your name?
Back on kali something amish and a few other real life friends had going on.
Who was the best of all time?
You cant put a "best" on this game. Certain times in my gaming experience I was unbeatable...But most the time I was fucked up so those days were far between.
Describe your “career” from start to finish.
To much smurfing. Maybe if I didnt smurf everytime I played I would have made a name formyself?~!?
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