The Gateway Editor is a small app that allows you to add, remove, and modify the servers listed in the Gateways dropdown menu. If you’re using an original Warcraft II: Edition CD or a… Read the full article
How to View Warcraft II Replays
Coming soon!
The Resurrection of Warcraft II
The Dark Warrior brings us news of a potential Warcraft II revival – Blizzard informally announced during BlizzCon 2013 that there may be plans to relaunch the earlier titles in the Warcraft franchise, include Warcraft:… Read the full article
W2FL S01 Tournament #9 Result
Szwagier defeated ~Poscow to become the 7th different winner in the W2FL in Season 1. One last tournament remains and several players still have a shot to win it! Szwagier who jumped up three spots… Read the full article