The next Singles Tournament will be held on November 28th, 4pm Eastern Time in the Tournament Channel The Prizes will be the standard with the exception of 1st. (00Joe donated his prize money to the… Read the full article
November 8th Doubles Tournament Results
Round 1 00joe and 00Logan VS Tyrus and 00Fighter Winner– 00joe and 00logan BHC-Jesk and Alf-Attack VS Swift and TK[AS] Winner– Swift and TK Gleip and RaT VS 00Tony and Braviet Winner– 00Tony and Braviet… Read the full article
Doubles Tournament Sunday, November 8th 4pm Eastern
~Tora~ is hosting a doubles tournament on the GoW TE map on Sunday, November 8th! Everyone who wishes to participate please show up in the Tournament channel by 4pm Eastern time. And please bring an… Read the full article
Oct 24th GoW Tourney Results!
Round 1 SocxYamon vs Gleip- winner SocxYamon x-DW-x)Burnt( vs Angel~Fire- winner x-DW-x)Burnt( xxxSilentFartsxxx vs x-DW-x)Reaper(- winner x-DW-x)Reaper( Warhammer vs Silentblazze- winner Warhammer TK[as] vs Van- winner Van ChopStyx vs Braviet- winner Braviet Sword: vs $lick-… Read the full article
$200 PBall Tournament Saturday, November 14th 9 PM EST
The next PBall tournament will be a $200 45 Man PBall and will be on Saturday, November 14th at 9 PM EST / 8 PM CDT. It will be best of 3 matches normal games… Read the full article
Gow Tournament Saturday October 24th 4 PM EST
~Tora~’s next Gow tournament has been scheduled for Saturday, October 24th. Prize money will be allocated as follows: 4th will receive 10 dollars 3rd will receive 20 dollars 2nd will receive 30 dollars 1st will… Read the full article
$100 60 Man PBall Tournament Results!
Check out the results of the 60 Man PBall Tourney hosted by xXxSmeagolxXx !
Sept 26th Gow tournament results!
Check out the results for Tora’s cash prize tourney!