Gold Seperates East from West tournament this Thursday in 1vs1 format. To vote on what time it will be held visit the forums.
Warcraft 2 Festival IV, July 27th-July 29th
We will be doing a big War2Festival again this year on July 27th-July 29th! We are going to be trying to bring together as many players as possible from Warcraft 2’s past to come back… Read the full article
War2 Euro Lan Party 2012
BHC-Jesk presents: European War2 Lan Party 2012 When? 20. to 22. July 2012 Where? The lan will be hosted at the same place as last year. Its the Hockey rink of my team. We have… Read the full article
War2 Memories
I recently asked for people to post their favorite War2 memories on the Facebook page, and here are some of the responses I got. The old community back on heat and all my old… Read the full article
GOW 2vs2 Teams Tournament, 03/18/12
GOW 2vs2 Tournament today defined by teams, everyone needs to get signed up! I am hoping to see a lot of old faces for this big event!
January 2012 Tournaments
Be sure to check out the tournament page for upcoming events hosted by DeZero.
Port Forwarding Your Router for Warcraft II (Hosting Fix)
To fix the latency issue that prevents people from joining your games you will need to forward port 6112 in your router configuration page. Note: These instructions will help only if you receive this message… Read the full article
Warcraft II Replays on YouTube
Just here with a update on some YouTube channels to check out replays. Be sure to subscribe to these channels and post some Warcraft 2 videos of your own, and be sure to mention our… Read the full article